Saving is the right starting point for the right financial destination. We offer formal savings services designed to accommodate irregular income and irregular savings to help low-income and economically active save for future while working to earn a better livelihood today. An earnest attempt to deepen our outreach and expand savings services to low-income and economically active people in Somalia.
Key Features
- flexibility to save in small and irregular amounts
- Quick access to your money for unexpected emergencies
- Access to conveniently located branches
- Access to SMS, Mobile and POS-Agent banking
- Access to automatic transfer from current account
- Access to modern banking services and quality customer service
- Access to formal and secure saving mechanism
- Access to interest free Microfinance and Micro-grant
- Access to basic financial education and entrepreneurship training
- No account opening fees
- No Monthly maintenance fees or transaction fees
- Low minimum balance required
- Discipline and delayed gratification required
- Personal Identification documents required